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When you order a floral arrangement or a hand-tied bouquet from Arugula Tango, you are getting top notch quality. Every part of the floral creation is meticulously crafted from the flowers to the packaging. We use custom packaging which gives your design a chic look. Our vases are elegant and our flowers are luxurious.


  • At Arugula Tango, we take pride in our stylish and elegant packaging. We offer a variety of packaging options, including premium boxes, wrapping papers, ribbons, and personalized message cards.

  • Yes, we understand the importance of personalized touches. During the checkout process, you can leave special instructions regarding the packaging preferences, and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

  • Absolutely! We believe that a heartfelt message adds a special touch. During the ordering process, you will have the option to include a personalized message that will be printed on a beautiful card and added to the package.